Wind Information displayed in Motion
North America & World Wide wind imagery
North America surface wind imagery
( Surface wind data comes from the National Digital Forecast Database but is a wind map art project) Not always up to date
( Surface wind data comes from the National Digital Forecast Database but is a wind map art project) Not always up to date Surface Wind Images
The wind maps located below are recorded every 3 hours and are uploaded monthly.
The source of the data comes from Please take time to visit their site for more details.
The file name format is: Wind -Year/Month/day-Hour (in military time)
example: Wind-20150402-0300 equates to 2015/April/2nd @ 03:00 hours (3:00AM)
The source of the data comes from Please take time to visit their site for more details.
The file name format is: Wind -Year/Month/day-Hour (in military time)
example: Wind-20150402-0300 equates to 2015/April/2nd @ 03:00 hours (3:00AM)